But first ask yourself these questions:
Struggling emotionally?
We think the problem is about what is happening to us today, right now.
It is not.
We think the other person is the problem.
It is not.
Only 5% of what we do is in our conscious control.
In order to heal, we have to find the root cause of our pain/issues, which is linked to our childhood subconscious programming.
Struggling with illness?
ACEs study shows that Adverse Childhood Experiences are linked to our adult diseases. Our emotional state effects our physical state.
According to Dr Rediger in his book Cured, spontaneous healings (miracles) occur more often than we think. We can find a way to promote natural healing in our body by increasing our immune system:
1. Enjoyable eating for nutrition
2. Enjoyable activity
3. Love, meditation, and prayer.
4. Connect to our identity. Who are we, deep down inside? When no one else is telling us what we should be doing. Where we stop living through other people, in the name of "caring" for others. Dr Shirley supports you to become who you were meant to be.
5. Lower stress - This is often at our subconscious level. Dr Shirley gives you the opportunity to explore this in a safe environment.

There is no such thing as a spontaneous anxiety or an endogenous depression. If a patient is anxious, there is something to be scared of. If a patient is depressed, there is something to be depressed about. If it is not in consciousness, then it is unconscious. If it is not in the present, then it is in the past and something in the present symbolizes it.
- Dr Bertram Karon, Psychologist